
Hathihe Ramallah 10th Anniversary, ca. 1966

Pictured is the staff of the Hathihe Ramallah magazine celebrating its tenth anniversary. Pictured is (from left to right) David Salah, Shawki Ghannam, Salah Salah, Karim Ajluni, Fuad Ghannam, Naim Kawwas, Saleem Iqal, and Nadim Ajlouni. Sitting are Lucille Zaru and Helen Salameh. Detroit, Michigan, US, ca. 1966

Hathihe Ramallah 10th Anniversary, ca. 19662021-08-23T19:56:41+00:00

First Committee Members of the First Ramallah Convention, ca. 1959

This is a photo of the first committee members for the first American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine Convention. Pictured (from left to right) is Dr. Isa Fawal - Secretary, Karim Ajluni - Chairman, Ibrahim Fawal - Vice President, and standing is Farid Shatara, father of the Federation and was elected the first President. Detroit, Michigan [...]

First Committee Members of the First Ramallah Convention, ca. 19592021-09-01T00:25:41+00:00

Kamil and Amal Ajlouni and Family, ca. 1982

A fun family outing at the Kamil and Amal Ajlouni home! Top row from left to right: Walid Saba, Evelyn Salem, Ghada Jubran, Cheryll Shamiyeh, Salwa Ajlouny, Amal Ajlouni, Malvina Salem, Jehana Hilweh, Hanan Ajlouny, Judy Ajlouny, Sue Dudum, Nijmeh Shamiyeh, Nellie Saba, Suheila Ajluni Second row from left to right (sitting): Emily Khawaja, Frida [...]

Kamil and Amal Ajlouni and Family, ca. 19822021-02-22T02:27:08+00:00
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