Jabra Hanna Ankar and King Hussein Bin Talal
Jabra Hanna Ankar presenting the new blueprints for the Jordanian Bar Association to the late King Hussein Bin Talal.
Jabra Hanna Ankar presenting the new blueprints for the Jordanian Bar Association to the late King Hussein Bin Talal.
An article proclaiming that Jabra Hanna Ankar was elected President of the Jordanian Bar Association.
Pictured are some of the Ramallah Girl Guides who won competitions in Jordan’s Annual Achievement Day; Standing (from left to right) is Nahla Acra, Alicia Rashed, and Nuha Mikhail. Sitting is Hudhud Mikhail, Hiyam Khawaja, and May Cadoura. Amman, Jordan, ca. 1958