Jabra Hanna Ankar and King Hussein Bin Talal
Jabra Hanna Ankar presenting the new blueprints for the Jordanian Bar Association to the late King Hussein Bin Talal.
Jabra Hanna Ankar presenting the new blueprints for the Jordanian Bar Association to the late King Hussein Bin Talal.
Jabra Hanna Ankar with the President of Lebanon, Fouad Chehab, while attending the meeting of the Arab Bar Association.
An article proclaiming that Jabra Hanna Ankar was elected President of the Jordanian Bar Association.
Julia and Jabra Ankar in Egypt attending the 1956 Arab Bar Association Convention.
Pictured was the going away party at the Hamra Hotel for Sami Boutros Harb, who was going to the United States. Standing (from left to right) is Isa Jaghab, Jameel Jaghab, Sami Harb, Ragheb Tillo from Damascus, Naoum Zareefeh, and Naeem Ankar. Sitting are Mahfouz Ackall, Ganim Hanna Ganim, and Fuad Jameel Musa. Hamra Hotel, [...]