Hanna Habib & Family, ca. 1940
Pictured is Hanna Habib and his wife Nijmeh, mother Nasara, Aziz Habeeb, Regina Mousa, Kareem, Widad, Mary, Fareed, Jaleel, and Aziza Habib Ramallah, Palestine, ca. 1940
Pictured is Hanna Habib and his wife Nijmeh, mother Nasara, Aziz Habeeb, Regina Mousa, Kareem, Widad, Mary, Fareed, Jaleel, and Aziza Habib Ramallah, Palestine, ca. 1940
Pictured is a festival hosted by the Ramallah Boy Scouts to which all were invited, the campsite was at Ain Minjed in Ramallah, Palestine. The standing Scout is Ibrahim Habeeb, who stands in front of then Mayor of Ramallah Nadeem Zaru. Ramallah, Palestine, ca. 1964