Jabra Hanna Ankar and King Hussein Bin Talal
Jabra Hanna Ankar presenting the new blueprints for the Jordanian Bar Association to the late King Hussein Bin Talal.
Jabra Hanna Ankar presenting the new blueprints for the Jordanian Bar Association to the late King Hussein Bin Talal.
Pictured is an Arab Scouts Conference hosted in Egypt, center is the late King Hussein Bin Talal of Jordan and the late president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, to the left is Aniseh Diabis and to the right is Mahira Dajani. Cairo, Egypt, ca. 1965
A Royal visit to San Francisco! Pictured is Sami Nazzal with his hand up welcoming the late King Hussein of Jordan (right) to San Francisco’s Ramallah Club! ?????? San Francisco, California, United States ??, 1963
The late King Hussein of Jordan (center) visits Ramallah during one of its festivals! To the left of the king is Aniseh Diabis and directly behind to the right is Mayor Nadeem Zaru. The rest are unidentifiable. Ramallah, Palestine ??, 1965
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